Self Storage Tips

Since moving is stressful and exhausting, keeping a sense of humor is critical. Grocery shopping with five kids under the age of seven might be easier—another situation that requires a sense of humor, and possibly medication.

Seriously, though, there are some things you can do to remove some of the trauma from the moving experience.

“Let’s put the joy back into packing” (said no one ever)!

Not sure where to begin? The key is preparation and organization. If you take the time to plan early, you won’t have as much to worry about on moving day.

1. Make sure to have enough of the appropriate packing supplies.

Not having what you need will add exponentially to your frustration. We can help with that. Just click on Moving and Packing Supplies to find everything you need.

2. The Golden Rule.

The heavier the item the smaller the box. Save the larger boxes for things that are lighter and harder to carry on their own. If you’re using professional movers, they will thank you!

3. Do your sorting ahead of time.

Dispose, donate, and store early. There will be items that you’re simply not ready to dispose of. You may need them in your new home. We’re here to store your belongings in a safe, secure, climate-controlled unit.

4. Label and color code your boxes.

This one is obvious. You need to know what’s in those boxes, and the movers need to know where to put them. Color code the boxes by room. You can buy color coded labels and packing tape at Walmart. Make sure to stick a coordinating piece on the door frame of each room so that all your belongings end up in the correct place.

5. Pack the same room in the same box.

Don’t pack your towels with your frying pans. Unpacking items that all belong in the same room saves time and energy.

6. Don’t wait to pack kitchens and bathrooms.

These rooms take the most time, so get them finished. If you have more than one bathroom, pack up all but one and close the doors. You can use one bathroom with minimal toiletries for a week. Use paper plates and plastic utensils for a while, and no cooking for the last few days so that you can clean out the fridge. Live on sandwiches, cereal, and take out.

7. Decide on a place to store packed boxes.

You can designate an area in your home (basement or garage), or you can leave the boxes neatly stacked in the rooms where they have been packed.  Do what works best for you and your family.

“We never opened those boxes after the last move. Why are we taking them with us?”

“We never opened those boxes after the last move. Why are we taking them with us?”

You’re packed and ready to go. Whether you’ve hired professional movers or decided to DIY, it’s not as much fun as you would think (lolololol)!

Here are a couple of tips to make it more tolerable and maybe even the best moving day you’ve ever experienced.

1. No packing on moving day.

This is non-negotiable if you want the day to run as smoothly as possible. Waking up to piles of items that haven’t been packed is a nightmare.

2. Be prepared with food and drinks.

Fill a cooler with water, energy drinks, and snacks to keep everyone hydrated and energized. Make sure that you have designated a friend or family member to pick up necessary meals for you and the movers. Keep everybody happy.

3. If possible, set up cable, internet, and utilities before you move.

Make sure you are at your new home during cable and internet installation, so that you can be assured that everything is in working order when you move in.

4. Keep your most important and valuable items with you.

It goes without saying that you don’t want to leave valuable jewelry, important documents, and prescription medications in drawers or packed in a box that is subject to loss or damage.

5. Create a basic unpacking kit and keep it with you (this is a genius tip!!!!!)

These are essentials that will help you get through the first few days.

  • Trash bags
  • Box cutter
  • Hand soap
  • Toilet paper
  • Paper towels
  • Plastic utensils
  • Paper plates/cups/bowls
  • Shower curtain liner
  • Shampoo and conditioner
  • Shower gel/body wash
  • Towels for each family member
  • Spray cleaner and cleaning cloth
  • Pain reliever
  • Granola bars
The secret to a happy life is HIS and HERS storage units.

Storage can be a life saver during a hectic move, and it’s doubtful that there is a move that isn’t hectic. There will be items that, for various reasons, you don’t want to move to your new home, but that you’re just not certain should be discarded.

This is when you need a safe, secure storage unit. Since your packing anyway, anything that you’re not taking along will be ready to store (even those boxes that you never unpacked from the last move.)

Here are a few helpful storage tips:

  • If you’re storing anything with drawers, use that extra space for small items.
  • If you need to store a bed frame or any other large furniture that needs broken down, keep all small parts in plastic bags and tape them to the item.
  • Wrap furniture legs with protective bubble wrap, furniture covers, or pads, to prevent damage.
  • To prevent dust, seal boxes tightly with good quality packing tape.
  • As with your move, be sure to label all boxes.
  • Place boxes that contain fragile or delicate items on top of boxes packed with heavier, sturdier things.
  • Anything that you think you may need to use frequently should be placed at the front of your unit.
  • To keep items off the unit floor, use furniture pads or covers.
  • If you’re storing business files, leave a pathway to make access easier.
  • Do not store anything flammable or perishable.
  • Do not store hazardous or combustible materials. Drain fuel from lawnmowers, trimmers, and any other equipment.
  • Be sure to purchase a secure lock. For your convenience, we carry a wide range of high-quality locks.

We hope these tips are helpful and make your life a bit more pleasant. Remember, call us with any questions. We’re always here for your.